RealFlow SD Exporter (SE)

RealFlow SD Exporter (SE)

The work with RealFlow's SD format is not a one-way street, and of course it is possible to export your Cinema 4D objects to use them in RealFlow. For this purpose, there is the “RealFlow SD Exporter” plugin. This plugin does not only support complex static objects, but also key-based animation, “Point Level Animation” (PLA), and deformers. You can also define camera views, frame ranges and scale. UVs are supported as well.

All of a scenes objects are written to a single SD file. In RealFlow, the SD can be loaded either with Ctrl/Cmd + I command, or as a so-called “MultiBody”. Camera is also included. After the objects have been loaded, they can be tagged as rigid or soft bodies, or act as motionless obstacles in fluid simulations. It is important to know that the original file from Cinema 4D will not be overwritten and is preserved. RealFlow's simulation data is written to separate files which can be re-imported to Cinema 4D with the “RealFlow SD Importer” plugin.

Different objects, loaded from a SD file created in Cinema 4D.