RealFlow Mesh Exporter (ME)

RealFlow Mesh Exporter (ME)

With this tool it is possible to convert any Cinema 4D object into a RealFlow mesh. This can be, for example, an animated object, a deformed cloth or soft body, or a sequence of Thinking Particles meshed with the “Metaball” tool. The object and its motion/deformation data will be translated into a sequence of RealFlow BIN files. Each object you export with this plugin is considered a fluid. This file contains the fluid's vertices, and faces, but also UV coordinates. A very interesting feature is the automatic creation of weight maps when you export more than one fluid. These weight maps can be used for blending different colours when the fluids collide and mix.

The plugin writes one file per frame.


The BIN files you write with the plugin only contain a velocity channel. Other channels like age or pressure are not written, because Cinema 4D does not provide this information. Additionally, the vertices' velocity is not a proprietary attribute of a Cinema 4D object as well. In order to create this information, you have to activate it in the plugin's user interface.

Velocity is calculated from the change in position between two frames. This also means that a static object will have a velocity of 0.