

The parameters here are only accessible with MD file sequences, and they are used to activate/deactivate channels, and to control their opacity. Only channels which have been calculated in RealFlow and exported with the mesh will appear here. A vertex map tag is added for each active channel.



Channel name

This panel contains a list with the mesh's channels. Please bear in mind that particle and Hybrido meshes have different channels stored. To deactivate a channel and remove its associated vertex map tag, simply disable the checkbox. The channel can be enabled again at any time with another click. Only those channels are active which have been calculated and exported in RealFlow.


In order to visualize a channel's information two materials are required. The vertex map controls how they are blended, but in many cases the result is not satisfying. With “Scale” you have an effective method of controlling the vertex map's transparency. This means that you change the ratio of both materials.

For a complete workflow description, telling you how to apply vertex maps to materials, please click here.


Only vector-based channels offer this option. When you uncheck it you will see three vertex maps for the vector's X, Y, and Z components, instead of a single tag. This action is reversible at any time with another click on “Magnitude”.