... Work with Channels in RealFlow?

... Work with Channels in RealFlow?

The first step is always to bake the particles' channel information to the mesh. With Hybrido meshes, this is a really straight-forward process, because all you have to do is: nothing. The channels are added to the mesh's vertices automatically, and you can proceed with adjusting its export resources (“How to... Export Meshes Correctly?”).

For RenderKit-style particle meshes the workflow is different – for legacy-style meshes channels are not available at all!

Before you start to build the meshes, open

Mesh node > Node Params > Particle Channels



Here you will find a list containing all available channels. Some are already activated (“Yes”), while others are disabled. For your final decision just toggle between “Yes” and “No”. Please also bear in mind that some channels do not show any changes over time or are simply not used. Typical examples are the particles' mass and temperature, which is only used in conjunction with gaseous particles. It is possible to export these channels, but their values remain constant during the entire simulation.

To mention it again: this workflow is only valid for RenderKit particles meshes. Legacy meshes do not support channels.

Once you have specified which channels you want to use, please go to the “Export Central” dialogue. This step is again required for RenderKit particle and Hybrido meshes, and described in the next chapter ("How to... Export Meshes Correctly?").