PE - Quick Start

PE - Quick Start

The “RealFlow Particle Exporter's” mode of operation is straight-forward. First of all, a particle simulation is required in Cinema 4D. Once you are happy with the results and ready to export the particles, launch the tool from: Plugins > RealFlow > RealFlow

Particle Exporter

A window with two tabs appears: “Setup” and “Particle File”.

Here, all adjustments are made regarding BIN files, particle type, and emitter settings. File name, and padding should match RealFlow's standard format. The emitter name follows an underscore, and a suffix of 5 digits – the so-called padding. An example:


When you follow this notation it is made sure that the files will be loaded correctly inside RealFlow. Finally specify the frame range, and hit “Export”. The plugin will now go through the frames, and records the particles in real time. You do not have to press “Play” or scrub the timeline. When the particles have been written to the disk the window is closed automatically.

In RealFlow, the best way to load the particles is to use a “Binary Loader”.

The plugin's versatile options and parameters are explained in detail in the following pages.

Supported File Formats

The “RealFlow Particle Exporter” plugin writes particle BIN files. Other formats are currently not supported.