Playback Main Menu

Playback Main Menu

Most of the "Playback" menu's entries are self-explaining. Therefore, only some important commands are explained.



OpenGL Preview

Create a preview from the current viewport perspective to evaluate your simulation in realtime. More information and workflows → here.

Maxwell Preview

Create a rendered preview from the current viewport perspective. More information and workflows → here.


Create a high-quality Maxwell render (still or animation). More information and workflows → here.

Video Preview Cached Frames

Cached frames are indicated as an orange bar in the timeline. Only those frames will be used for the preview.

Send Preview to Job Manager

With an appropriate number of licenses it is is possible to distribute the Maxwell preview creation over a network.

Allow faster than FPS playback

RealFlow tries to maintain the adjusted → frame rate during playback. When enabled the playback rate can be higher. Bear in mind that realtime or faster playback is only possible with small projects. Scenes with millions of particles, huge RealWave surfaces, or hundreds of objects require an → OpenGL preview.

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