Tools Main Menu

Tools Main Menu

Most of the menu's entries are self-explaining or discussed in detail in dedicated chapters. Therefore, only some important commands are explained.


System plugins manager...

Displays information about the plugins loaded within RealFlow.

User plugins manager...

Displays information about the loaded 3rd party plugins.

Clean Data Folder...

Deletes all simulation files (cannot be undone!)

Memory Submenu >
Purge Memory

Only relevant when standard particle fluids start to misbehave.

Purge All Graphs

Remove everything a graph has added to the viewport.

Clear Undo Stack

Empties the current undo actions to free memory.

Select command

With this menu entry you can call up commands, nodes, and tools without having to use shelves, right-click menus or the main menu. Simply enter the name or partial name of the item you are looking for and all relevant items will be displayed. The search is not case sensitive.

The appropriate command, node, or tool can be executed, added, or called directly from the list with the search results.

Tools (Shortcut Editor, Particle Tooltip, Facture Tools, etc.)

Each tool is explained in separate chapters with detailed → parameter references.

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