How to Edit a Shelf

Shelves can be adjusted and extended according to your needs with a few clicks. Open the “Shelves Manager” and select the shelf you want to edit. The manager offers a wide variety of possibilities:

Changing the Shelves Order

To do this, simply drag a shelf to a new position in the “Shelves” panel. Another way to do this is to reposition the shelves in RealFlow's GUI.

Deleting a Shelf

Click on the shelf to be deleted and click on “Remove Selected”

Disabling a Shelf

Every shelf provides a checkbox where you show or hide it temporarily.

Copying a Shelf

It is also possible to make copies of RealFlow's standard shelves. Click on the small triangle next to the “Add new shelf” button, go to “Add new built in shelf”, and choose a category from the list. Now you can add or delete entries, rearrange them or perform other changes without deleting the original.

Remove a Shelf

Of course, shelves can be deleted. Select one or more shelves and click on “Remove selected”. You will be asked if you really want to proceed.

Changing the Commands Order

Similar to changing the shelves’ order it is also possible to rearrange the commands. Just highlight a shelf, go to the middle panel, and drag the command to the desired position. This also works with separator lines.

Commands can also be changed inside the shelfs directly: Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and drag the icon to another position. When you press the Alt key additionally then the command will be copied.

Editing a Command

The commands themselves can also be edited, but this is only possible with custom scripts, C++ plugins, or graphs. Built-in commands are not editable – their information can only be viewed. Double-click on a command in either the middle or the right panel. Then, a dialogue appears:



Class ID” is very important and must be unique. It is used internally to identify the commands and assign them correctly. Under “Name” you can enter the command's name. If you want to add a copyright note do this under the equal-named field. To add a symbol, click on “Edit Icon”. In the “Description” field you can add further information about the tool.

Under “Shortcut” you will see the appropriate key combination for accessing the command quickly. To create a new shortcut, click on “Edit” or use the dedicated “Shortcut Editor” tool (also available from the “Shelves Manager” or Tools > Shortcut Editor).

Changes are confirmed with “Apply”; to abort the editing process click on “Cancel”.

Add New Separator

With “Add separator” you can add an arbitrary number of lines and move them freely to create visually separated command sets.

Remove a Command or a Separator From a Shelf

Select one or more entries in the middle panel and click on “Remove selected”.

Search for Commands

The search function provides a realtime search over all available (internal and external) commands. When you enter a character you will see the matching results immediately. It is often not necessary to enter the entire string and a few characters are enough, e.g. “expo” (without quotation marks) for listing all export commands. You can also work with wildcards and whitespace to separate your search terms. Additionally, the search tool is not case-sensitive. An example: “Pre max” returns “Maxwell Preferences”.