EC - Job Files

EC - Job Files

With RealFlow it is possible to simulate fluids over a network, using multiple computers. The only limitation is that particles from different domains, respectively emitters, are not able to interact with each other – they are independent. Therefore we call this concept “Independent Domains Of Computation”, or “IDOC” for short.


ExtensionFile type
RFSRealFlow script file (ASCII)



RealFlow Script (.rfs)

To manage the data from different machines, RealFlow writes out the appropriate files into a particular directory: “jobfiles”. You can only change the folder’s name and location under "Export Central". Additionally you can choose if you want to write out possibly existing RealFlow script files. This file type can be recognized by its RFS extension. You should be careful when you want to change the RFS file’s path, because in this case you might have to specify it manually within the "Job Manager’s" web-interface.