EC - Cameras

EC - Cameras

Cameras can be exported as well, but please be aware that only those parameters, settings and transformations will be written to the file which are available inside RealFlow. Data from physically correct cameras are not supported and will get lost.


ExtensionFile type
SDScene, motion and geometry data
ABCAlembic I/O format



Animation (.sd)

lease bear in mind that the camera data is not written to a separate file, but included with an “Animation (.sd)”. Even if the scene does not contain rigid or soft bodies, the camera data can be found in this file as well. The RealFlow exchange plugins are able to extract camera data from the SD file and recreate it inside your 3D package. RealFlow's camera export resources can handle both native and imported cameras.

Alembic animation (.abc)

The Alembic export option for cameras is only available for RealFlow 2013 build 7.1.2 or higher. Like the SD format, RealFlow's ABC files are also able to store native and imported cameras. The camera file(s) can be found in the project's “objects” folder.