EC - Arnold Scene Source

EC - Arnold Scene Source

With the release of RealFlow 2014 we have added native support for “Arnold Scene Source” files (.ass). “Arnold” is a popular render engine, developed by Solid Angle. The following RealFlow node types and export resources allow you to store data in “Arnold Scene Source” format:

  • Particle emitters

  • Hybrido secondary emitters

  • Hybrido domains

  • RealWave

  • Objects (including MultiBodies, ReaFlow's native objects, and imported objects)

  • Particle meshes

  • Hybrido meshes

  • Particle meshes (legacy)


Furthermore, you also have the ability to save the complete scene as an ASS file for each simulation frame when you create a preview. To do this, activate the “Arnold scene (*.ass)” resource under “Preview”.

Cameras are currently not supported as an individual export resource. If a scene contains a camera, RealFlow will include it in the objects' ASS files (if enabled).

Grid emitters also do not have an Arnold export resource; the same applies to Hybrido's “Mist” nodes.