EC - Arnold Scene Source
With the release of RealFlow 2014 we have added native support for “Arnold Scene Source” files (.ass). “Arnold” is a popular render engine, developed by Solid Angle. The following RealFlow node types and export resources allow you to store data in “Arnold Scene Source” format:
Particle emitters
Hybrido secondary emitters
Hybrido domains
Objects (including MultiBodies, ReaFlow's native objects, and imported objects)
Particle meshes
Hybrido meshes
Particle meshes (legacy)
Furthermore, you also have the ability to save the complete scene as an ASS file for each simulation frame when you create a preview. To do this, activate the “Arnold scene (*.ass)” resource under “Preview”.
Cameras are currently not supported as an individual export resource. If a scene contains a camera, RealFlow will include it in the objects' ASS files (if enabled).
Grid emitters also do not have an Arnold export resource; the same applies to Hybrido's “Mist” nodes.