RS - Right-Click Menu Option

Here you can find a right-click menu with the following entries: 



Collapse all/Expand all

These functions collapse or expand all entries in the node tree. 

Collapse selected/Expand selected

With these options it is possible to collapse or expand on the selected node tree section.

Select all/Select none

If you want to retime all of the resources or none of them, please use these entries.

Invert selection

This option inverts the current node selection.

Add children to selection

Most nodes have more than one export resource, called children. A good example is an object's export tree where you have SD and OBJ files. If you use this entry, all available children resources will be activated.

Wildcard selection...

If you choose this entry, a new dialogue will be opened. There, you can enter a so-called wildcard pattern, for example “Circle*” to select all nodes starting with “Circle”. You can also use the “?” notation, for example to find and select nodes with suffixes between 30 and 39: “Sphere3?”. The window also provides a checkbox to include either the child elements or only the upper level elements of the selected nodes.

Check selected/Uncheck selected

You can easily check or uncheck the export resources with these functions.