Modo plugin - Render Animation Window
Render Animation window
You can export your animated modo scene to Maxwell Render frame by frame. First you have to click on the Render Animation button in the Maxwell Render window (see sub-chapter Render/Export). In the Render Animation window you have to set the export parameters, and you can start animation export by clicking on the button.
Render Time (minutes)
The maximum number of minutes the render will be allowed for a frame.
Sampling Level
When the render attains the Sampling Level specified here, processing will stop.
For animation render you usually have to use shorter Render Time and lower Sampling Level values. With these controls you can set these values independently from your original (single frame) render settings.
First Frame
Beginning frame of the animation
Last Frame
Ending frame of the animation (it has to came after the First Frame)
Frame Step
The gap between the consecutive frames. Normally it is 1, bigger values are useful for animation test renders.
By clicking on the Copy from modo scene button you can set your First Frame, Last Frame and Frame Step values according to the current modo frame settings.
Render Animation
Export scene animation frame by frame and start Maxwell Render in animation render mode.
Close the Animation window.