

Courtesy of Listratov Konstantin

Maxwell 3 includes extensions, specific external pieces of code which allow extend the capabilities of Maxwell.

The extensions are .MXX files (stands for Maxwell Extensions) and are located in the Maxwell 3>extensions folder. 

There are two types of extensions in Maxwell 3: 

  • Extension Objects: the extension code generates a new object in the scene with particular characteristics (like the Maxwell Sea, Volumetric or the Alembic importer) 
  • Object Modifiers Extensions: the extension modifies an existing geometric object (like the Grass, Scatter or Subdivision modifiers). 


The current available extensions and the features they provide are: 


Extension Objects 

Extension nameWhat it doesMore info...
MaxwellVolumetric.mxxCreates a volumetric media either as a constant density object, or using particle files to create smoke, fog, atmospheric haze etc.
MaxwellSea.mxxCreates a simulation of the ocean surfaceMaxwell Sea
MaxwellParticles.mxxRender particles as spheres from RealFlow or other particle systems in 3D applications which allow this through their SDK
Maxwell Particles
MaxwellMesher.mxxRender particles from RealFlow™, meshing the particles at render time. Ment for rendering fluids and provides sophisticated controls over the resulting fluid mesh
Maxwell Mesher
RFMeshes.mxxRender fluid meshes from RealFlow™ that have already been meshed in RealFlow™
RF Meshes
RWMeshes.mxxAllows Maxwell to render RealWave water simulation meshes already created in RealFlow™
RW Meshes
MWObjectAlembic.mxxImports an object in Alembic format, both embedded or (more interesting) using it as a referenced Alembic objectAlembic support


Object Modifier Extensions 

Extension nameWhat it doesMore info...
MaxwellCloner.mxxAllows Maxwell to distribute instances of an object using a particle cloud file
Maxwell Cloner

The grass generator. Generates and distributes random grass guides regarding certain parameters controlled by the user

MaxwellScatter.mxxScatters instances of a given object across the surface of another objectMaxwell Scatter
SubdivisionModifier.mxxSubdivides the object using Pixars subdivision algorithms: Loop and Catmull-ClarkPixar OpenSubdiv

Takes fibers generated from a hair/fur system and converts them to analytic cone shapes at render time. Internal use, has no interface

Hair and Fur