Houdini plugin - Maxwell Ref Material (SHOP)

Houdini plugin - Maxwell Ref Material (SHOP)

With the Maxwell Ref Material shader operator you can reference an MXM material from the disc. You can build up a material library and quickly re-use previously created materials on other projects. Ensures also that your materials have a consistent look between different scenes, since the same material reference will be used in all scenes. A referenced material can still be edited at any time from the plug-in using MXED.

 Material properties

The interface of the reference material is pretty simple, you just have to define the MXM you want to use in the scene.

  • MXM: path of the MXM file to reference in the scene.
  • MXS Export: specifies how the referenced material is exported to the Maxwell scene.
    • Reference: this is the default behavior. You can point to a MXM file on disk, and the material will be taken from that location at render time.
    • Embedded:the material will be embedded in the scene as a layered material. This is useful if you want to use the reference as a basis and want to modify the material in the scene uniquely later.

  • New: opens MXED with an empty material. After you finished editing and save the material in MXED it is added to this Maxwell Ref Material.

  • Edit: opens MXED to edit the referenced material.

  • Preview: opens MXED to calculate preview of the material by the current settings. The preview image is displayed in MPlay.



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