Houdini plugin - Material Assistants

Houdini plugin - Material Assistants

Maxwell V3 has introduced the concept of material Material Assistants, which use a reduced set of intuitive parameters that greatly simplify and speed up the material creation process. Material Assistants are SHOP nodes which can be found under Maxwell Render / Material Assistants in the TAB menu of the SHOP network.

The current simplified Types available:

  • AGS: special transparent material useful for speeding up interior renders - see the Architectural Glass Solution (AGS) page for details.
  • Car paint: for creating multilayered paints such as metallic car paint.
  • Hair: useful for hair, fur.
  • Metal: all kinds of metals.
  • Opaque: any kind of opaque diffuse or shiny materials such as solid plastics, shiny wooden floors, concrete etc.
  • Translucent: all transparent and semi transparent materials which are translucent - plastics, marble, milk.
  • Transparent: all transparent glass and plastic materials which are not translucent - ie, they do not have sub surface scattering.


These simplified materials do nothing more than simplify the UI of material creation, adjusting behind the scenes several parameters in the advanced editor - there is no difference in render quality between using Material Assistants or custom materials created from scratch using the advanced editor.