3ds Max - Toolbar

3ds Max - Toolbar

The Maxwell plug-in creates a toolbar for quick access to certain plug-in features:

Export Referenced MXS file: export current scene to an MXS file.

Create Referenced MXS: browse for an MXS file and add it to the scene as a MXS reference.

Send job to Network: exports the scene and opens the Maxwell network job wizard to prepare it for network rendering.

Create a Maxwell Proxy: creates a new Maxwell Proxy object that references the selected object

Create BIN Mesher Object:  prompts you to select a Realflow BIN particle file which will be used to create a RenderKit mesher node.

Create BIN Particler Object: prompts you to select a Realflow BIN particle file to be rendered using the particle procedural.

Create BIN Mesh Object:  prompts you to select a Realflow BIN mesh file which will be loaded at render time.

Focus To Selection: sets the focus plane of the currently selected camera to include the pivot point of the selected object. See this section for details.