Rhino 6 and newer - Output tab

Rhino 6 and newer - Output tab


You can access these options from Rhino’s Rendering panel when Maxwell for Rhino is selected as the Current Renderer.

Output tab on Windows (left) and MacOS (right)


The first section allows specifying the output folder and base name for all the files generated by Maxwell during and after the render process (for example the denoiser channel image name will look like this: basename_denoiser.png). You can also select the general image format used for all the output images. If you want a particular channel to be stored in a different format, you can choose the one you like for each of them in particular, but this automates the whole process a bit.

Maxwell generates these files during the render process:

  • The exported scene file in .mxs format

  • While rendering, it stores all the image data in .mxi format (it includes the render, all the channels, multilight information). It can be edited in Maxwell Render application to change the light intensities (if Multilight was used) or colors, camera sensitivity, camera response, tone mapping, re-denoise, simulens,…

  • The rendered image in the selected format.

  • All the active channels.

  • The denoised image.

If no folder is specified, a default one will be used:

  • Windows: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Maxwell\Maxwell for Rhino\Default MXS Output\

  • MacOS: Home/Maxwell/Maxwell for Rhino/Default MXS Output/

If the Name field is left empty, Maxwell will store the files using the Rhino scene file name as the base name to compose all the file names. If the Rhino file has not been saved, “Untitled” will be used as the base name.


Set her the base name that will be used to compose the different output files.

Toggle macro

  • Camera: it adds or removes this macro to the base name: _%camera%. This group of characters is replaced with the active camera name, so the base name will look like this: basename_cameraname

  • Date: it adds or removes this macro to the base name: _%date%. This group of characters is replaced with the current date at the export time, so the base name will look like this: basename_2022.august.28

  • Time: it adds or removes this macro to the base name: _%time%. This group of characters is replaced with the current time at the export time (in 24 hours style), so the base name will look like this: basename_11.35

Output Format

In this dropdown menu you can choose the image file format you want for the output images. If all the rest are left as “Auto” all the channels will inherit this format.


Choose the output folder for all the images generated during the render.

Protected Geometry

It generates an mxs file that cannot be edited afterward even in Studio, in case you want to share some geometry in mxs format but you don’t want it to be modified.



Below you have the list of channels available. You can activate the ones you want Maxwell to generate along with the render. Here is more information about the channels available in Maxwell’s general documentation.

In the Output Mode, you can decide if you want to save all the channels inside the same file (if the format allows for different layers) or separately.

For each channel, you can choose a different format or leave the option as Auto to use the one in the general options (if possible).