Rhino 6 and newer - Installation

System requirements

It is recommended to keep your Rhino version up to date. Using old versions of Rhino might cause instability.

It is mandatory to use Rhino 6 SR19 or newer, but having it updated to the latest is the best way to avoid problems as McNeel also fixes issues in the code we use to connect the plugin.

We are supporting the same operating systems as Rhino 6, 7 and 8 in 64 bits:

  • Windows: versions 7 and newer with all the updates from Microsoft.

  • MacOS: High Sierra (10.13), and newer.

In the case your Apple computer is using one the Apple Silicon processors (the M-series), you should run Rhino 8 using Rosetta. In order to do that, you only have to right-click on its icon, choose Get info and then mark the “Open using Rosetta” option.



Downloading the installer

  • Go to the portal to download the installer.

  • Look for My Downloads section on the left panel.

  • In the Maxwell section choose Maxwell 5 | Rhinoceros (v6) and select the platform you are using:

  • You will get a Download File button; click on it. You will also find a Release Notes button; click on it if you want to know about the changes, fixes, improvements or additions introduced in this very version or older ones.


Running the installer

Once the files are downloaded, just double-click the installer file to launch it.

On Windows, the file will be called maxwell_rhino_vx.x.x.x_WIN.exe

On MacOS, the installer will be called maxwell_rhino_vx.x.x.x_OSX.pkg

The first two digits of the version number will match Maxwell Render’s version it goes with, then comes the main Rhino version and then the plugin version. So, for example, version means it will work with Maxwell 5.0.x, with Rhino 6 or newer and it is the fourth version.

The installer includes two installers inside:

  • One for Maxwell Render, which installs everything unrelated to Rhino and is common for all the Maxwell Render products, like the render engine app (Maxwell Render), the standalone material editor (Mxed), the network system, etc. This installer is launched in parallel.

  • Another one for the plugin itself (the files that integrate Maxwell inside Rhino); this part relies on Maxwell Render to work and it requires it to be the same version included in the installer.

Windows version of the installer.


MacOS version of the installer.

Installing the version of Maxwell Render included is required for the plugin to work, but if you already have it (the exact same version), you can skip it. If you go ahead with Maxwell Render checkbox active, an additional installer for Maxwell Render will be launched and you should go through it too. If you are using floating licenses, in this step make sure to install the RLM license server on the machine that will hold the licenses. Find more information here Maxwell Render installation here.


After that, the plugin should be installed.


On Windows, the plugin files will be stored in C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell for Rhino and also here:

Rhino 6: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\UI\Plug-ins

Rhino 7: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\Plug-ins

Rhino 8: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\UI\Plug-ins

On MacOS, the plugin files will be stored here:

Rhino 6: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/MacPlugins/

Rhino 7: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/packages/7.0/maxwell_rhino/Maxwell for Rhino/

Rhino 8: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/packages/8.0/maxwell_rhino/Maxwell for Rhino/


Now, when starting Rhino, the plugin will be registered into Rhino, once done, it is recommended to restart Rhino. Then you will be able to select Maxwell for Rhino from Render menu > Current Renderer…

Activate Maxwell as a renderer in this menu


You will notice a new Maxwell menu and a new Maxwell toolbar, as well as several Maxwell-related options in Document Properties, Renderer panel, Environment panel, Material panel and Properties panel.


Silent installation


These are the parameters that can be used for silent installation:


Runs the installer in silent mode (The progress window is displayed)


Very silent mode. No windows are displayed.


Suppress message boxes. Only has an effect when combined with '/SILENT' and '/VERYSILENT'.


Disables canceling the installation process.


Prevents installer from restarting the system even if it's necessary.


Overrides the default install directory.


Uninstalling the plugin


In order to uninstall the plugin for Rhino 6 on Windows you can use the standard Windows uninstallation method: close Rhino and then go to Configuration > Apps > Apps & features then search for Maxwell for Rhino and make sure it is the version you want to uninstall (Rhino 5 versions will have this numbering style: 5.1.501 while Rhino 6 versions will be like this Then just click uninstall.


If you want to uninstall the plugin for Rhino 6 on MacOS, close Rhino and, in Finder, navigate to this folder:

Rhino 6: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/MacPlugins/

Rhino 7: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/packages/7.0/maxwell_rhino/Maxwell for Rhino/

Rhino 8: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/packages/8.0/maxwell_rhino/Maxwell for Rhino/

(it will be easier from the Go to Folder… dialog) and delete the maxwell_rhino.rhp file you’ll find there. That should be enough.


License activation

For floating licenses, please, refer to this page: Floating licenses activation

For Node-locked license, refer to this page instead: Node-locked licenses activation

If you want to try a manual activation, go to this page: Manual activation