Install Troubleshooting

Install Troubleshooting

Windows specific

- Right after installing successfully, Maxwell Render and the MXED close instantly after trying to open them on a new computer.

The problem could be related to the common libeay32.dll library included with Maxwell. Most probably, the system uses a newer version than the one provided by Maxwell.

Please follow these instructions to solve it:

  • Go to the Maxwell installation folder and locate libeay32.dll file.

  • Rename it to libeay32.dll00 (we are disabling it by doing this).

  • Try to open Maxwell Render now. If it opens fine, we have located the problem. Even though it opens, there will be some internet-related services like the Cloud render, the License Activator and the Online Material Gallery that won’t work at the moment.

  • Let’s replace the one included with Maxwell with another one from your system. Most probably, you will find it in this folder in your system: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\ODBC Drivers\Redshift\lib\OpenSSL64.DllA

  • Find the file in that folder and copy it into the Maxwell installation folder

  • Maxwell should still open now but all the services mentioned before should be working fine.

If you cannot find it in that path, you can make a search in your system or you can download it from this link:

- The material preview scene cannot be found.

This is related to the system environment variables. This error message shows up when you are trying to load Maxwell Studio without a layout. This happens because you had a previous version of Maxwell Render installed in another path and your MAXWELL5_ROOT environment variable has not been changed correctly when you installed a new version. This means that the software is still referenced to the old path. It’s easy to resolve this issue. Revise the MAXWELL5_ROOT environment variable and update the path, rewriting the new installation path in the corresponding window.

- The “Maxwell Render could not be found” error message during the installation.

It has come to our attention that the installer is apparently having difficulty satisfying the prerequisite of finding MAXWELL5_ROOT on some installations. The installer has always required this, but it seems that the Maxwell installer may be setting MAXWELL5_ROOT only at the User level. So, if you get an error during the installation, indicating that Maxwell Render could not be found, or Maxwell Render doesn't start, please edit your machine's Environment variables, adding a System Environment variable called MAXWELL5_ROOT, which points to your Maxwell Render directory, and another called MAXWELL5_MATERIALS_DATABASE environment variable pointing to your material database folder (usually inside the Maxwell Render 5 installation folder).

The two environment variables should be:

  • Name: MAXWELL5_ROOT Value: C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell Studio 4 (or the location of your Maxwell install if different from this default one).

  • Name: MAXWELL5_MATERIALS_DATABASE Value: C:\Program Files\Next Limit\Maxwell Studio 4\materials database (or the location where you installed the Material Database, if different from this default location)


The System Environment variables are located in the lower box, as seen here:

Environment variables may be accessed from:

Windows Vista

  • going to the Start menu

  • right-clicking 'Computer' 

  • clicking 'Properties' 

  • in the dialog box, clicking the 'Advanced System Settings' link

  • clicking 'Environment variables'

Windows 7

  • going to the Start menu

  • right-click 'Computer'

  • choose 'Properties'

  • click 'Advanced system settings' on the left hand side of the window that opens

  • in the window that opens go to the 'Advanced' tab and click the Environment Variables button

Windows 8 or 10

  • tap Windows key

  • type Environment Variables and hit Enter

  • System Properties window will open

  • Click Environment Variables button

MacOS specific

- I get the error that the RLM License Server is not running. How do I install it?

  • The RLM License Server installer is located in the disk image. Simply run it from there, no need to copy it. If you get an error message saying" RLM License Server cannot be opened because it is from unidentified developer", go to System preferences > Security to change the settings for running applications in your system, and allow Maxwell, or the RLM License Server in case you are installing the licensing server. After they have installed you can put the security settings to default.

  • Reboot your computer after RLM is installed.

  • Check that the RLM License Server has been installed and running by opening a browser window and typing localhost:5054. The RLM License Server interface should appear

  • Continue with the licensing procedure described here.

  • If you still cannot make it work, check this page for other options: RLM Troubleshooting on Mac


- I get the error "XXXXXX cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer

Go to System preferences > Security to change the settings for running applications in your system, and allow Maxwell, or the RLM License Server in case you are installing the licensing server. After they have installed you can put the security settings to default.

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