Activating your Demo License

Activating your Demo License


This guide is for activating your temporary demo license for:

  • Maxwell Render Suite

Before you Begin

Please see the system requirements on this page.

Step 1 - Running the installer

  • Make sure that you right-click on the .EXE file and choose "Run as Administrator".
  • The installer will ask if you also wish to license Maxwell Render. Select Yes.

Step 2 - Licensing the Maxwell Render Demo

The License Activator application will open and the following licensing options will appear:


Select “I want to try the demo”.


Select “I want to activate the license on this computer now (needs internet connection)”

Then simply select Next for all the subsequent windows that appear, and finally click Activate. This will create a demo "maxwell_license.lic" file on your computer hard drive.

And you’re ready to render!

The most common licensing error messages

  • Connection error - Usually means the license activator and/or Maxwell Render is blocked by a firewall and can't reach our servers.
  • "License could not be validated" - Usually has the same cause as the above.
  • "License could not be saved" - This means Maxwell doesn't have enough permissions on your computer to write the license file to disk. Start the install process again, making sure to right-click on the installer and chose "Run as Administrator".

If you still have problems, the first thing you should do is open Maxwell (not Maxwell Studio) and look in the Console panel for any licensing errors. Then go to the licensing troubleshooting page to see if the error message is listed there, and what the solution is.





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