RKC - Particle Files

RKC - Particle Files

This plugin supports a single file sequence. If you want to load and render more sequences please add more plugin nodes. Accepted formats are VDB, ABC, RPC, BIN, and PXY files. Please note that only VDB/F3D with mist data from RealFlow simulations can be read. Other data, e.g. velocity or temperature fields from RealFlow or 3rd party source cannot be processed.








Path and Prefix

Path and Prefix

Path and Prefix

Path and Prefix

Path and Prefix

Path and Prefix







Field Type

Field Type

Field Type

Field Type

Field Type

Field Type

Motion Scale

Motion Scale

Motion Scale

Motion Scale

Motion Scale

Motion Scale

Cell Size

Cell Size

Cell Size

Cell Size

Cell Size

Cell Size







Radius PP

Radius PP

Radius PP

Radius PP

Radius PP

Radius PP

Path and Prefix

Here you will see the path to the loaded particle sequence. You can either enter a path manually or open a file browser.

Offset (3DS, C4D, LWV, MYA, XSI)

This function does not just skip the entered number of frames, but shifts the entire particle file sequence. If you, for example, enter a value of 20 then the simulation's first frame appears directly at frame 20 instead of frame 0. You can enter positive and negative values.


The following parameters and options are only available for particle files. Mist from OpenVDB files does not provide any settings, because here cell size is calculated by RealFlow internally.


Field Type

Two options are provided:

  • “Sphere” creates a spherical volume around a particle. The size of this sphere is determined under “Radius” or – automatically – with “Radius PP”. As a result you will see a cloudy structure.
  • “Trails” creates streak-like structures – similar to motion blur. The amount of blurring is controlled with “Motion Scale”. This method can increase render times drastically.

With this parameter you determine the global size of the particles in the rendered image. If you want to scale the particles based on certain channels like velocity or age please take a look at the “Particle Size” panels.

Radius PP

When you enable this feature, the radius value will be read from the loaded particle files (not available for mist). “PP” stands for “Per Particle”.

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