... Use Existing Objects?

... Use Existing Objects?

The importer plugin offers a method for recreating objects from the SD file, but this is not always wanted. A typical example is when you work with proxy objects. Proxies are low-resolution objects which are used to accelerate a simulation. Back in Cinema 4D you only import the proxy's position, rotation, and scale data, and connect it to the high-resolution object.

Here, naming plays an important role. Both objects (low- and high-resolution) must share exactly the same name. The low-resolution object is then exported to a SD file with the “RealFlow SD Exporter” plugin, and used in RealFlow. After the simulation you return to Cinema 4D: 

  • Open the Cinema 4D scene with the high-resolution object.

  • Launch the “RealFlow SD Importer” plugin.

  • Uncheck the “Create Missing Objects” option.

  • Click on “Import”.


Now, the low-polygon object's geometry will not be loaded, and only the translation data is linked with the existing high-resolution node: this node will perform exactly the same motion as its low-poly counterpart. If the objects' names do not match then it is also possible to rename the high-resolution object to make the connection work.