Starting point for splashes is always an existing Hybrido core fluid simulation. Here it is a simple water basin with an animated object.
Scene Setup
- Set the domain's simulation state to → “Cache” (“yellow rocket”).
- Other, already simulated Hybrido secondary fluids emitters have be set to “Cache” as well.
- Add a “Waterline” emitter from the “Hybrido” shelf.
- Reset the scene.
What you see now is a cross in the viewport's centre, indicating that the emitter is not bounded. You can prevent the particles from leaving the domain:
- Add/reuse a → “k Volume” daemon and adjust it to the scene with the R key.
- Or make sure that the particles will be enclosed inside a container or a cube.
Open the emitter's → “Waterline Creation” panel:
- Choose the object(s) which should create the waterline particles.
- Adjust the waterline's “Width” and keep the value in mind, e.g. 0.2 m.
- Be careful with “Emission rate”, because the amount of particle can grow quickly.
If you want to dissolve the foam, for example to create a nice foam trail behind an object follow these steps:
- Open the → “Waterline Dynamics” panel.
- Set “Min lifetime” to a smaller value, e.g. 2.5 seconds.
- Set “Max lifetime” to 3.0 seconds.
Finally you have to adjust the waterline object:
Object > Node Params > Volume
Go to the → “Domain offset” parameter and enter the “Width” value from “Waterline Creation”.
In this example it is 0.2.
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