Maxwell FIRE
Maxwell FIRE
FIRE is the abbreviation for "Fast Interactive Rendering" and describes a real-time render method. The workflow is simple:
The Maxwell FIRE icon.
- Prepare your scene/simulation and apply materials to the nodes.
- Click on the FIRE button in the Render shelf – the → "Maxwell Interactive" panel is opened, and the render starts.
- Now, change the → viewport perspective, → object/mesh/emitter materials, or node positions, and the image will be updated in real-time.
Finally, → lighting and → render quality can also be changed at render time directly:
The Maxwell Scene Preferences icon.
- Render shelf > Maxwell Scene Preferences > Settings tab
- Here you will find several settings for controlling the render's environment.
- Click on "Apply" to see the effect of your settings.
- Once you are happy, click on "OK" to confirm the adjustments.