Particle Selection
This helper can be found in the “Tools” shelf. When you click on it RealFlow opens a new window and you are ready to select particles (all particle types are supported). For a workflow description go to the → "Removing Particles" page.
Add group
Select particles by dragging a rectangle around the region of interest of an active emitter. Then, click on this button ("Add group") to store them. New groups appear under “Selection”.
Here, you can choose a particle group from a drop-down menu.
Rename group
Enter a new name for the selected particle group.
When set to “Yes” the selected particles are frozen:
- You can stop the simulation at any point, make a selection, and go on with the calculation.
- Other particles can collide and react with the frozen ones.
- Frozen particles cannot be released again, even after you have deleted the group.
Total particles | Current particles
These two read-only fields shows the emitter's total number of particles, and the particles in the current group.
Delete group
This button removes a group without deleting its particles.
Remove particles
This button keeps the group, but deletes the included particles (does not work with “Freeze-Follow” particles).