RW - Control Points Deformer

RW - Control Points Deformer

To add this wave deformer, right-click on the "Realwave01" entry in the "Nodes" panel and choose Add Wave > Control Points.

You can choose as many control points as desired from the RealWave mesh. Each of these points will then perform an up-and-down movement and disturb the surface.



With “No” the deformer can be disabled temporarily.


To reduce the influence of a deformer, decrease its weight. Valid settings are between 0.0 (inactive) and 1.0 (full influence).


This parameter controls the number of up and down movements of the selected control points. Higher values produce more waves with less distance in-between.


Here the maximum height of the control points is given in metres.

Begin time

Define the time in seconds when the points should start oscillating,


This is the amount of up and down movements. The total number of movements is calculated as Cycles • Frequency

Wave speed

The waves will have some initial speed once they are created. The value is given in metres per second.


Higher values reduce the life-span of the waves until they finally disappear.


When you click on this button an orange frame appears around the viewport and you can select the control points. With a pressed Shift key more points are added to your current choice.


If you are not happy with your current selection or do not need it anymore use this button.

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