Objects - Display Volume

Objects - Display Volume

The settings of this parameter set can be used to improve the interaction between objects and Hybrido fluids.



When active, you can visualize how the Hybrido fluid solver “sees” an interacting object. For this purpose, RealFlow takes all settings from an object's → “Volume” panel into account to create an interaction mesh. Here we have compiled more information about how to work with “Isosurface”: → "Hybrido Object Interaction" and → "Dyverso Object Interaction"

Isosurface color

Here, the iso-surface's colour is defined. A click on “+” reveals RGB sliders.

Isosurface shading

With the menu's entry the iso-surface's shading mode is toggled between “Wireframe”, “Flat”, and “Smooth”.

Slice plane XY | XZ | YZ

This option draws a coloured map to the currently active object. Colours indicate the areas of interaction, while red shades represent areas close to the surface. The plane's look is controlled with the parameters of the → “Volume” panel:

  • Smaller “Cell size” values smooth the map, telling you that the quality of the fluid-object interaction has been improved.
  • Surface offset” controls the distance of the red area from the object's surface. The red area is inflated with positive values and the occurring gap is the gap between the object's surface and the particles. Negative settings shrink the red area.
  • Domain offset” influences the size of the plane, but the red collision area is not affected. As a consequence, the fluid will “see” the object earlier. This is often important for fast moving particles.
Type XY | XZ | YZ

There are two modes:

  • Ramp” draws a colour gradient to the map and represents the distances from the object's surface. Red colours indicate areas close to the surface. In this mode, the red frame around the object's border has a size of Cell size * 2.
  • Mask” is a red-green map showing only the inner and outer parts – it tells you how the Hybrido solver “sees” the object. The smoothness of the red area directly depends on “Cell size” and smaller settings create a less jaggy mask. There is also a narrow gradient. The width of this band is equal to the object's → “Cell size” value.
Offset XY | XZ | YZ

You can shift the slice planes with this value to check other areas of the object:

  • 0.0 is the object's lowest point.
  • 0.5 is the object's middle.
  • 1.0 represents the object's top position.

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