Voronoi by Steering Geometry

Voronoi by Steering Geometry

With this tool you can use a reference object to control zones of higher or lower fragment concentration, e.g. for defining impact areas.


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Voronoi (A)

Rough number of pieces

Here you can specify how many fragments you want to create. In some cases the resulting number of fragments slightly differs from the input value. You can enter any positive integer greater than 0.


If you want to achieve a different distribution of fragments change this value – you can enter any positive integer.

Global pattern

This option only works with a MultiBody. When enabled RealFlow treats the MultiBody's individual objects as one object and you will see a propagating pattern.

Steering Geometry (B)

Steering geometry

Select an object with the “...” button. The chosen object is used to indicate the zone with the highest concentration of pieces.

Steering resolution

The steering geometry is rasterized for the fragmentation process and this parameter defines the quality of that process. Higher values will represent the shape of the steering geometry much better.

Highest concentration

According to the selected option the highest concentration of fragments is created “Inside”, “Outside” , “Along the boundary” or “Out of the boundary” of the steering object.

Lowest/Highest concentration rate

This value determines the ratio of the number of fragments in areas with higher and lower fragment concentration. With smaller values the transition between these areas becomes sharper. An example:

  • You want to create 100 pieces inside the zone with the highest concentration per fragment in the low concentration area.
  • The rate is calculated as 1 / 100 = 0.01
  • With 0.001, the ratio is 1: 1000 objects.
Transition length

This parameter affects the transition between zones of higher and lower fragment density:

  • With small values, there is a more or less sudden change between the low- and high-density zones.
  • Higher values create smoother distribution.
  • The value is given in meters and with a value of 3, the transition between the zones will be gradually changed over 3 metres.
Extrusion effect

With enabled the result is an effect that is similar to the look of a jigsaw puzzle:

  • The pieces are cut out like cookies and are not arranged in “layers” or stacks.
  • Extrusion effect” is useful if you want to punch a hole into a wall or create the effect of a thin breaking pane of glass.

Channels (C)

Split into internal/external (automatic criterion)

With this option it is possible to store the fragments of the zones with higher and lower concentration as two individual “MultiBody” nodes.

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