Voronoi by Points

Voronoi by Points

With this tool is is possible to use the vertices of a reference object to control the fragmentation process.



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Voronoi (A)


If you want to achieve a different distribution of fragments change this value – you can enter any positive integer. You will only see any differences in the pattern when you change when you add some “Randomness”.

Apply globally

This option only works with a MultiBody. When enabled RealFlow treats the MultiBody's individual objects as one object and you will see a propagating pattern

Points (B)

Points source

Choose an object with the “...” button – its vertices will be used to break the original objects into pieces. The number of points also controls the number of fragments.


To achieve different looks with the same source object enter a value between 0.1 (no randomness) and 1.0 (maximum randomness).

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