Prefs - Job Manager

Job Manager Plugin


Here the name of the currently loaded "Job Manager" plugin is displayed. As long as you did not specify a plugin with the “Select plugin...” button, you will see “None”.

Select Simulation Plugin...

A click on this button opens a new dialogue to select the appropriate plugin that is essential for getting the "Job Manager" ready. All available extensions are shown in a separate window. The standard plugin for the “Job Manager” is named “CmdSendJob”.

Select Preview Plugin...

Previews with RealFlow's implementation of Maxwell Render can also be managed and triggered via the "Job Manager". For this option, another plugin is required that can be loaded here.

Manager Location

For network simulations, a control program is required and this field contains the IP address of the computer where the "Job Manager"application is running. Any machine can host the server and this does not have to be the fastest computer in your network.


A port can be seen as a gateway and is important for all network applications. You can, of course, specify any available port, but you have to make sure that it is not already occupied by another application or locked by a firewall or other security application. If you are behind such a device it is often necessary to open the port, used by RealFlow’s "Job Manager", there as well. If the appropriate port is not unlocked, network simulation fails. There are a few standard ports that should never be used, because they are required by core daemons of your computer. Please have a look at the documentation or help system of your computer, to find out the unused and open ports.

Apply Path Translation Rules

In heterogeneous networks, path notations are different, esp. in terms of separators (slashes, backslashes, colons). A path translation rule (PTR) helps you to avoid problems with non-uniform path notations. By checking this option you can activate the specifications defined under “Path Translation Rules...”.

Path Translation Rules...

A click on this button opens a new window where you can create your own rules. The window is subdivided into four fields for the prefix used by RealFlow and the according delimiter symbols for all supported operating systems. You can specify more than one rule set by clicking on “Add Row”. This action adds another set of fields. Within the fields you can simply enter the desired rules. A detailed introduction to this topic can be found here.

Delete temporary files if success

With this option turned on, the "Job Manager" automatically deletes all temporary files that were create during the network simulation process. We recommend to keep this function active, as long as you do not really need these files.

Web Interface 

Default URL

To get access to the “Job Manager's” web interface, it is necessary to specify an IP address and an open port, e.g.

This interface is a mini web server with a user-friendly front-end, giving you all required information about available machines in your network and currently running jobs. You can change “Default URL” by simply adding a new path, but please keep in mind that this path must really exist. Please always add the "http://" prefix.