Icon Bar - File

Icon Bar - File

The "File Bar" is a set of three icons for basic file operations:



This icon bar is not part of RealFlow's default layout. To open it, please right-click on the icon bar and choose "File" from the appearing menu.
New Project

A new project can be created at any time, but do not forget that RealFlow can only handle one project/scene at a time. So, when you decide to start with a new scene, please save your current project before you click on the icon. Then, the “Project Management” dialogue appears where you can make the necessary settings: project name, path and so on. The “New Project” tool's shortcut is Ctrl/Cmd + N.

Open Project

After a click on this symbol you will see a standard file browser where you can branch to the desired project folder and load an FLW file. The “Open Project” tool's shortcut is Ctrl/Cmd + O.

Save Project

Projects should be saved in short intervals and we also recommend enabling RealFlow's automatic feature from the “Preferences” panel. If there is no name specified for the project, the “Project Management” will be opened with the first saving action. The “Save Project” tool's shortcut is Ctrl/Cmd + S.