PML - Noise

PML - Noise

In some relatively rare cases, a mesh might appear very smooth and surface structures are missing. That is a situation where you can add a fractal noise to create a more interesting surface. This option does not affect the particle simulation, only the mesh surface. Depending on your mesh and current scene scale, it is sometimes necessary to use higher values to make the noise visible.



Fractal noise

To activate the noise function simply switch this parameter to Yes and unlock the related settings. The settings are very similar to RealWave’s “Fractal” modifier.

@ Amplitude

This is the height of the noise ripples. Higher values create more distinctive patterns. Please note that this parameter is rather sensitive and should be altered carefully.

@ Frequency

The number of oscillations per time unit is called frequency. Higher values create a denser pattern with more structures. A high “@ Frequency” value can lead to unnatural results.

@ Octaves

This setting could be seen as an overall noise. You can create more structures on the surface by raising “@ Octaves”.