PML - Clipping

PML - Clipping

Clipping is a very effective and convenient way to reduce a mesh’s size. Whenever there are invisible parts they should be clipped. Try to use objects which are as simple as possible and have even surfaces, for example cubes, because complex objects will only increase mesh creation time.



Clipping box

At first glance there does not seem to be a visible difference between “Clipping box” and “Clipping objects”. With both functions you have to select an object that is used to define the boundaries of the mesh.

With “Clipping box”, the result is always a rectangular volume, regardless of the object used. RealFlow calculates a bounding box around the node and only the inner part of this box will be used for clipping, while outside parts will not be considered. After the generation of the mesh the bounding box around the clipping object is displayed as a red frame.

Clipping objects

Clipping is not restricted to a single object and RealFlow supports multi-selection with this tool. Simply choose the desired nodes from the node picker and arrange them to your needs. All items will be taken into consideration while clipping the mesh. In opposite to “Clipping box”, RealFlow considers the actual shape of the object and calculates a proper mesh following the faces of the clipping object(s). This process, of course, takes longer to calculate than the "Clipping box" method.

InOut clipping

You can decide which “side” of the clipping object should be used. “Inside” uses the object’s volume and everything inside it will be cut away. “Outside” clipping deletes all polygons outside the used node. Open parts or holes are filled with polygons and the result is a closed mesh.

Camera clipping

This option needs a camera, of course. It makes no difference whether the camera is imported or native – both types can be used. “Camera clipping” cuts away everything that is outside the currently adjusted field of view. That is something like WYSIWYG – “What you see is what you get” – and also works with animated cameras.

@ Clipping Camera

Here you can specify the camera object you want to use for clipping.

Realwave clipping

Whenever you have to use particles in combination with a RealWave object, it is a good idea to think about “Realwave clipping”. Invisible parts of the mesh below the surface can be cut away to save resources and rendering time. Since there is only one RealWave object per scene allowed, there is no node picker available. The existing object is recognized automatically when you turn this option to “Yes”.