PM - Particle filter

This set of parameters represents a complex, but easy to use tool to enhance particle shading and rendering. It is possible to isolate particles from the core fluid based on the numbers of neighbouring particles. 




With this parameter it is possible to specify a coherent area of the fluid, which can be seen as the core. Particles with a certain distance or number of neighbours will not be taken into account for the mesh. This helps to separate the basic core fluid from splashes and you can render foam structures, for example. With higher settings, the core fluid starts shrinking. Please note that this is a very sensitive value, especially with dense particle clouds


If you want to create a higher amount of splash particles, this value should be increased. In some cases, for example when your particles are very close together, the effect of “Splash” may be less obvious. 


You can also separate particles by using a certain velocity threshold. Particle with velocities greater than the adjusted value can be rendered separately from the core fluid.