Modo plugin - Cameras
Maxwell and modo Camera objects have many common parameters (these are automatically exported by the plugin) but Maxwell has some special parameters.
Please read chapter Camera in the MAXWELL RENDER 2 Manual for more information about Maxwell Cameras.
With the Exposure control you can lock the exposure to a certain value or you can switch to useful preset settings.
With locked exposure you can easily control the amount of DOF by changing the F-Stop value.
The film's light-sensitivity, higher ISO means more sensitive film.
Shutter (1/n)
The shutter speed or the time light has to reach the film is specified in 1/n of a second. A higher number means the light has less time to reach the film.
Shutter Angle
This option allows you to control the amount of motion blur in an image in animations.
Controls the aperture of the lens. You can change F-Stop at the modo camera properties too.
Focal Distance
Distance from the camera location to the camera target. The camera target represents the point where your render will be in perfect focus. You can change Focal Distance at the modo camera properties too (it is called Focus Distance there).
If you click on the Autofocus button modo automatically chooses the right focus distance for your camera.
Controls the shape of the 'bokeh' effect seen in out-of-focus highlights
The number of blades of 'Polygonal' cameras
The angle of blades in 'Polygonal' cameras
Enables/disables Camera Z-Clip planes
The near-plane Z-Clipping distance (must be less than Far Clipping Plane)
The far-plane Z-Clipping distance (must be greater than Near Clipping Plane).