ARCHICAD - Maxwell Palette

ARCHICAD - Maxwell Palette

Maxwell palette is the central control panel from where you can reach the most important plugin features easily.

It is a dockable ARCHICAD palette that can be embedded into your program layout in different ways.


The top buttons of the Maxwell palette are always visible but the other UI tabs (Object Properties, Surface Materials, Mini Library Editor) are visible only in case the tab is related to the currently selected item(s).


Top Buttons (from left to right)


 Open the plugin Preferences dialog.

Open Path Fix Dialog

 Inside the Path Fix Dialog, you can manage Maxwell-related project dependencies.

(For example re-link mxm materials, Environment images, Referenced MXS files, etc.)

First combo button:

 Start Maxwell Render: exports the scene and starts the render with Maxwell Render.

 Start Maxwell Render in GPU: exports the scene and renders it with Maxwell Render using the GPU engine.


Second combo button:

Open in Studio: exports the scene and opens it in Maxwell Studio for further tweaking. (You need Maxwell Studio installed on your computer to run this feature.)

Send Job to Network: exports the scene and loads it into the Network Monitor to send the job to the Maxwell Network system.

Pack and Go: exports the scene to a .mxs file in a folder of your choice and copies all the files related to it in the same folder (textures, etc.). This is perfect for moving the Maxwell scene to render on a different computer or creating MXS References and linking them to a different scene.

Send job to the Maxwell Cloud: exports the scene and loads it into the Network Monitor to send the job to render into the Maxwell Cloud.


Third combo button:

Start FIRE: opens the FIRE window (Fast Interactive Rendering) to preview the scene.

Start FIRE in GPU: opens the FIRE window using the GPU engine.


Open Plugin Manual

Open this manual in a web browser.


Set palette Dockabe/Not Dockable

It is nice to dock the palette between other interface elements but in case you want to use it as a floating panel it can be more convenient to disable the docking feature.

Palette Tabs

These tabs show selection-dependent options.

A) The Object Properties tab shows the main controls for the exported Maxwell object.

B) From the Surface Materials tab you can read the names of the ARCHICAD materials assigned to the surfaces of the currently selected object.

C) Mini Library Editor gives quick access to the library parameters of the ARCHICAD library objects. It makes the changing of these parameters more intuitive.


It is much easier to change the library parameters of Maxwell Library objects from the Mini Library Editor


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