After Effects - Installation

After Effects - Installation

Download the plug-in installer for your particular platform from the Download Area and run it. The plug-in is compatible with After Effects CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 and CC. There are plug-ins available for Windows and Mac OSX. You can download the plug-in from the After Effects plug-in for Maxwell page.

For plugin compatibility with After Effects versions, please see the Plugins page.


Run the installer. The installer should locate your After Effects installation automatically. If not, browse the location(s) where After Effects was installed.

After Effects CS5 plug-in installation folder usually is C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC\Support Files


Unpack the files. Copy the MXI.plugin to the After Effects format plug-ins directory, and the mxiMixer.plugin file to the After Effects effect plug-ins directory.

After Effects CS5 format plug-ins directory usually is /Applications/After Effects CC/Support files/Plug-ins/Format
After Effects CS5 effect plug-ins directory usually is /Applications/After Effects CC/Support files/Plug-ins/Effects

Remember that you should have writing permissions and Administrator privileges to install the plug-ins.





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