... Change Scale and Orientation?

... Change Scale and Orientation?

A “RealFlow Particle Importer” plugin has exactly the same properties as any other node inside Cinema 4D. This means that it can be placed anywhere inside a scene, and rotated. Scaling, on the other hand, is not possible with Cinema 4D's standard tool, because the plugin node does not have any physical size or dimension – it is nothing more than a container. In order to change the fluid's size or scale you have to do this in the plugin's “Setup” panel under “Scale”. The value works as a multiplier: with 2.0, the fluid cloud will be twice as big as with 1.0, for example.



All position and rotation settings will be applied to the particles as well. Simply use “Move” and “Rotation” tools to change the plugin's orientation. This possibility comes in handy when you want to render comparisons or combine different emitters in one scene.