Licensing FAQ

Licensing FAQ

1. Where is my Maxwell Render license key stored?

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  • If you have a Floating license your main license file is named "maxwell_suite_floating.lic" , and will be placed in:


C:\ProgramData\Next Limit\Maxwell\licenses




$HOME/Maxwell (in the Maxwell folder inside the user home folder)


  • If you have a Node-Locked license, your license file is named "maxwell_license.lic" and will be placed in:


C:\ProgramData\Next Limit\Maxwell\licenses




$HOME/Maxwell (in the Maxwell folder inside the user home folder)

2. I already have an RLM License Server installed. How can I make Maxwell work with it?

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Many applications use RLM for license management. If you are already running a RLM License Server you do not need to install an additional license server for Maxwell but you can reuse the existing one. In order to do so please follow these steps:

  • Download the file nextlimit.set (it's in a zip archive so unzip it after download) and copy it where the existent RLM executable ("rlm.exe" in Windows, just "rlm" in OSX and Linux) is located.
  • Copy the maxwell_suite_floating.lic file generated with the license activator to where the rest of the license files are located. 
  • Send a reread command to the RLM License Server to load the Maxwell Render license file. You can do this by opening a browser window in the computer that's running the RLM License Server, typing in localhost:5054 and in the RLM interface that appears, press the Reread/Restart servers link from the left hand side, then the Reread/Restart button on the page that appears.

3. How can I move my Floating license / license server to another computer?

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In case your computer is damaged or crushed by meteorites, or you change the network card in the computer, or you simply want to move the RLM licensing server to another computer:

  1. Uninstall first the RLM License Server from your computer. Otherwise there could be conflicts if you have two or more RLM License Servers running in the same network.
  2. You need to then install the RLM License Server on the new computer, so use the Maxwell installer and make sure to check the "RLM License Server" in the installer. Full install instructions can be found here.
  3. Once the installer finishes, run Maxwell and the license activator will appear. Choose the option "Activate the license manager" and type in your license key you received via email when you purchased Maxwell Render.
  4. On some systems it is necessary to reboot in order for the license server to run properly, so please reboot your computer.
  5. Now the license server should be running on this computer. You can check this by opening a browser window and typing: localhost:5054. The RLM License Server interface should appear.
  6. On the other computers, you need to re-license Maxwell so they know to connect to this new license server. Open Maxwell and the license activator should appear, because Maxwell doesn't know anymore where the license server is running. Choose "Connect to a license manager already running", click Next, and in the following window type in the name or IP of the new computer. You can leave the port at the default 5053 if you haven't changed it when installing the license server. Click Connect and Maxwell should now connect to the new license server. It will also save a .lic file on this computer which only holds one line: HOST computer name, or IP] ANY 5053. It tells Maxwell on which computer the license server is running and which port to use for communication. Please see FAQ nr 1 above for the location of this .lic file on different OS.


You can move/activate your floating license in this way for a total of 3 times. If you've already re-activated it 3 times, please contact us using the Sales form on the Customer Portal.

4. Can I use my license on a dual or quad core machine?

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Yes, Maxwell Render licenses work per machine and do not have core/CPU limitations.

5. Are there educational licenses available for students, teachers and schools?

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Yes, we offer educational licenses, faculty licenses, and classroom packs. For individuals we offer a Learning Edition at a greatly reduced cost. For schools and training centers please see the Teaching Maxwell page on our website for details and pricing.

6. Can I license Maxwell on a virtual machine?

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The normal licensing procedure does not support virtual machines.  Please contact us for more information on alternatives if you find yourself in this situation.

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