RKP - Particles Size (3DS, MYA)

Instead of a fixed radius it is also possible to vary the particles' sizes based on attributes like velocity, age, or pressure. The associated values are read from the particle files directly and used to scale the particles. First you have to specify a base → “Radius” and decide which channel you want to use. Then you go to the → “Channel Curve” or → "Camera Curve" panel, where you draw a curve to determine how fast the sizes should increase or decrease.

Please bear in mind that changes, made with the sized-based parameters, can only be seen in the rendered image.


Random VariationRandom Variation

Scaled By Channel

Scaled By Channel

Random Variation

To avoid a uniform look it is possible to add some randomness to the particles and create bigger or smaller spheres around the particles. With 0, you will not get any randomness at all, and with 1000, all particles will be varied in size.

Scaled By Channel

This feature introduces a variation in size based on a particles' channel. The plugin will then consider the settings from the → “Channel Curve” and → "Camera Curve" panels.


Here you define which channel you want to use to scale the particles. Only one channel can be selected at a time. Please also bear in mind that RealFlow's different fluid types also provide different numbers of channels. Another thing is to consider that some channels do not show any variation by default, e.g. mass. This means that all particles are rendered with exactly the same “Radius” parameter.

Some channels have to be activated in RealFlow before the simulation starts: → Vorticity (Hybrido), → Vorticity (SPH), and → Normal (Hybrido).