DyDomain - Particles: Rigid

DyDomain - Particles: Rigid

The Dyverso domain holds the particles, while the attached objects represent the point of particle creation. It is not possible to drive objects through → cached "Rigid" particles.




There are eight different types of fluids and materials. All types, except "Dumb", are → GPU-accelerated:

  • "Dumb” particles are often used for spray or foam. These particles cannot react with each other and do not have the characteristic fluid properties, but they are simulated very fast.
  • "Liquid - SPH" is a very accurate fluid solver.
  • "Liquid - PBD" is a very fast fluid type (faster than “Liquid - SPH”).
  • "Granular" is suitable for substances like sand or snow.
  • "Viscous" fluids are suited for substances like lava, caramel, syrup, or mud.
  • "Viscoelastic" is the choice of materials such as ketchup, toothpaste, or silicone.
  • "Rigid" connects the particles with more or less rigid joints. This particle type requires at least one object instead of an emitter and you have to follow a specific → workflow.
  • "Elastic" lets you simulate jelly-like substances. This particle type requires at least one object instead of an emitter  and you have to follow a specific → workflow.

Not all materials are able to interact. For a complete list of possible interactions please visit this page (see "Particle and Material Types").


With this setting you can change the amount of particles, “Resolution” mainly depends on scene scale and emitter scale, but it also affects the fluid’s mass and therefore depends on “Density”, too:

  • With “Resolution” set to 1.0, a volume of 1 m x 1 m x 1 m filled with 1,000 particles.
  • The parameter accepts any positive value.

This parameter is defined as mass per volume unit and is different for each substance. “Density” does not change the fluid's behaviour, but it is possible to mix fluids from different domains. This way you are able to simulate substances like oil and water. The unit is kilograms per cubic metre. The density of water is 1,000 kg/m3. Avoid very small values close to 0, because they can lead to instabilities.


"Autocollision" simulates the repulsion forces between different objects inside the same domain to avoid interpenetration. We do not recommend values greater than 1. The substeps and iterations settings in RealFlow's → "Simulation Options" influence how this parameter acts on the body.

Body stiffness

Particles inside a rigid object always tend to maintain their original shape. Values, less than 1, introduce a small amount of elastic behavior. We do not recommend values greater than 1. The substeps and iterations settings in RealFlow's → "Simulation Options" influence how this parameter acts on the body.


Dyverso's "Rigid" particles require at least one object to determine the initial position of the particles instead of an emitter. This means that it is not possible to create streams of rigid particles.

  • The attached objects are filled with particles based on the object's → volume mode.
  • It is possible to transfer the particles' position to the attached objects with the → "Particle Skinner" daemon and simulate rigid bodies.
  • For a complete workflow description take a look at → "Dyverso - Rigid and Elastic Simulations" learning page.
Max particles

Please enter a value to stop emission at a certain amount of particles. "Max particles" is based on the total amount of emitted particles. Let's say you have entered "50,000". If there are currently 1,000 particles in your scene, but you have already deleted 49,000 particles RealFlow will stop the emission. Here you can read how to use this parameter to → stop particle emission.

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