

Dyverso fluids are mainly used for small- or mid-scale projects. If you want to simulate huge volumes of water with splashes, foam, and bubbles, we recommend using RealFlow's Hybrido technology.



Basic Setup

In the → "Learn" section you will find tutorials about how to stop particle emission, fill objects, multiple domains and emitters, how to achieve emission from objects, and more.

Setting up a Dyverso fluid scene requires just a few steps – the parameters are available under → "Node Params":

  • Add an emitter, e.g. "Circle"; the associated domain node will be created automatically.
  • Adjust the domain's parameters, e.g. "Viscosity" or "Surface Tension". "Resolution" controls the number of particles.
  • Add a force daemon like "Gravity" to accelerate the particles.
  • Hit "Simulate".

Main Properties


Dyverso fluids always consist of a domain and an emitter:

  • The domain holds the particles and is responsible for the fluid's physical properties, as well as the number of particles ("Resolution").
  • The emitter specifies the area or volume where the particles will be created and their initial speed.
  • When the first emitter is being added, a domain will be created automatically.
  • Fluids with different properties from multiple domains can interact.


Dyverso fluids are → GPU-accelerated and they are able to

  • interact with static objects, rigid and soft bodies
  • interact with RealWave surfaces
  • create wet-dry maps

Particle and Material Types

To switch between the various materials and particle types go to DY_Domain > Node Params > Particles > Type.

Domain-Domain Interaction

Dyverso supports the interaction of particles from → different domains and different materials. Here is a table with all possible interactions:


Available Materials
DumbBallistic particles, unable to interact. Good for massive spray effects.
Liquid - SPH"Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics". A highly accurate fluid type similar to RealFlow's standard particles, but much faster, and GPU-accerlated.
Liquid - PBD"Position-Based Dynamics". A very fast and robust fluid type.
GranularSuitable for the simulation of sand, snow, salt, and other granular substances.
ViscousUsed to simulate substances like honey, cream, tar, caramel, syrup, etc.
ViscoelasticGood for ketchup, toothpaste, or silicone.
RigidSimulate → rigid bodies based on particles.
ElasticSimulate → elastic bodies with the help of particles.

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