Other Buttons

Other Buttons

Aside from the separately discussed "Add" and "Edit" buttons there are few more buttons:


This button is only visible and accessible in combination with custom scripts, plugins, and graphs; built-in commands are not affected.


With this button you can write out an XML file containing all commands. This is very useful for creating and synchronizing different RealFlow installations, or changing the layout of an external RealFlow copy to your needs when you work as a freelancer. In the latter case you just copy all shelves, shortcut, and layout files to an USB stick, and import these definitions to your new workplace.


This button provides a context menu with the following entries:

Import from Commands or Shelves XML file

The mode of operation is the same as if you click on “Import” from the “Shelves Manager”.

Import from existing files (scripts or graphs)

Here it is possible to choose one or more files (PY, RFS, RFG, XML) to import them as new commands. It is possible to group the important commands in a new shelf.

Import from existing folder

You can select one specific folder and RealFlow will search for all files with these extensions: PY, RFS, RFG, and XML to import them as new commands.

Import from legacy CommandsOrganizer.dat file.

If you have worked with previous version of RealFlow 2014 then you can select an old commandsOrganizer.dat file and display its content in a dialogue. There, you will be able to choose which commands you want to import and attach to RealFlow's GUI.

Shelves Manager

To open RealFlow's “Shelves Manager” without a detour via the “Tools” menu click on this button. The “Shelves Manager” is explained in detail here.


Close the “Commands Manager”.