Objects - Texture

Objects - Texture

With this feature it is possible to either apply a texture map onto the object, or create wetmaps from interactions with particles. If you want to see the object textured, you have to switch RealFlow’s viewport to textured:

View > Scene > Textured

Another option is to choose Show texture > Yes under the node’s "Display" option. Please note that RealFlow uses an object’s UV coordinates and these coordinates are also used to generate the wetmaps. So if your UV coordinates are corrupted, overlapping or not relaxed, the results are most likely not what you would expect. To get rid of improper texture effects, it is necessary to reprocess UV coordinates with an adequate software.

If wetmaps are not displayed or created correctly it is very likely that the UV grid of your (external) object is either not unwrapped or wrong. Some plugins also do not allow the use of a texture tag while exporting the object(s). In other words textures have to be removed before the object is exported.

In the "Wetmap Creation" chapter you will find a tutorial about to use WetDry textures.



Load Texture

If you want to apply a texture map then you are able to load an appropriate file with this dialogue. When you reopen a scene with textured nodes, RealFlow will search for image maps in the applied folders and directories. If the assigned map cannot be be found you will see a default UV texture.

WetDry texture

This feature only makes sense in combination with particles. Each interacting particle can leave a mark on the surface of the object. A variety of different filters are also unlocked to define parameters like strength or drying speed. "WetDry" textures are automatically created by RealFlow and do not need a previously applied texture. To store the textures it is also necessary to choose an image format and the appropriate output function under "Export Central". It is important that imported objects carry (correct) UV coordinates, because otherwise you will see nothing more than an evenly lit grey body. In this case, please return to your 3D software, rebuild the UV's and export the object(s) again. Please bear in mind that wetmaps cannot be created from grid fluids. Secondary elements (splashes, foam), on the other hand, are standard particles and will leave marks on the surface.

@ resolution

"WetDry" maps are always square-shaped and therefore there is only one value given. The default size of a map is 256 x 256. Of course you can create much bigger images, but they can slow down the simulation. Resolution also strongly depends on the complexity of your objects and the desired camera view.

@ filter loops #

To blur the generated image maps, it is possible to activate a filter. Here you can determine how often the filter should be applied. Higher settings create more blur, but take longer. Despite the built-in filter, we recommended you use an image processor to enhance the maps.

@ filter strength

Higher settings enhance the blur effect and can even tear apart the tone values. It is better to use rather low values and perform further adjustments in image or video processing programs.

@ pixel strength

By default, RealFlow uses 256 grey shades to calculate “WetDry” textures and the range goes from 0 (black) to 255 (white).

@ ageing

Some materials can dry much faster than others and this behaviour can be simulated with RealFlow. Higher settings make the wet patterns disappear faster. Even with a value of 0.0, the particle marks will slightly fade during the simulation.