MultiServos - Node

MultiServos - Node

RealFlow'sMultiServos do not have any physical dimension; their positions will be created from the connected nodes. Therefore, MultiServos do not provide any parameters for scale, position or rotation and you only find two entries:



You can choose whether the MultiServo node should actively contribute to a simulation or not. You can switch between these states with “Active and “Inactive”. The third option is the “Cached” mode. In this mode, all relevant data will be read from previously stored BDC files. Please note that MultiServos do not have any export resources under "Export Central" and everything will be saved to the BDC cache files. When the “Cache” mode is active, the node will turn orange to indicate this state. 


In RealFlow's viewports, a MultiServo node is drawn as a small icon with a gear symbol and a coordinate system with dashed lines (to help you understand how the target will be interpreted). The default colour of this icon is grey, but you can assign any other RGB colour here.