

The Marble Procedural creates a pseudo-random noise pattern that reproduces the characteristic sinusoidal patterns of marble. Useful as a color texture or in grey scale as a bump, displacement, weight map or mask texture. 

Examples of the Marble procedural in use. To create the emitting effect (right) the procedural image was baked to a high dynamic range file, using the bake procedural tool, and used as emission texture

Marble Procedural parameters 

  • Preset: Several Marble presets to choose from. Useful as an starting point to customize your own marble textures. 
  • Blending Factor: Blends percentage of the current procedural with the result of the procedurals below in the stack. 
  • Coordinates type: Chooses if the procedural will be created in object Texture coordinates or in World coordinates. 
  • Vein 1, 2 and 3: Defines the three colors used in the marble pattern. Uses black, white or grey tones when the marble is used as a mask texture. 
  • Frequency: Number of occurrences of the marble pattern. 
  • Detail: Amount of detail produced by the procedural when computing the marble. High values mean more detail, and as a consequence, more noisy results. 
  • Octaves: Number of noise functions used to generate the final marble pattern. 
  • Seed: Initial value used for the generation of random numbers computed by the marble procedural.


The Marble procedural parameters panel