formZ | Roundover

formZ | Roundover



Roundover Object Modifier

Very slightly rounded edges make renderings of architectural elements appear much more convincing. But rounding objects such as cabinets often makes them a pain to edit later. With the Roundover Modifier, it's possible to keep your geometry simple and rectilinear and have the roundovers added at render-time.

The general workflow for setting up Roundovers through the plugin is outlined below. Refer to the sections that follow for details on each step.

  1. Define Roundover Parameters. Set Roundover parameters in the project's Object Modifier Library.
  2. Apply. Apply a single Roundover Definitions to a base object, via the object's Maxwell Attributes.
  3. Render. Rounded objects are generated when the scene is exported from formZ.


Define Roundover Definition

The formZ plugin introduces the concept of Roundover Definitions, which are defined and stored in the Object Modifier Library. Roundover Definitions are stored with your project.

To invoke the Roundover Library, select Extensions> Maxwell Render> Object Modifier..., or click on  in the Maxwell Object Attributes pane. Click on the Roundover tab.

  • New Definition: Create new Roundover Definition in the project.
  • Delete Definition: Deletes selected definition in the list.
  • File Menu:
    • Open: Open a Roundover Definition file from disk. Definition is added to the Library.
    • Open and Replace: Open a Roundover Definition file from disk. Currently selected Definition is replaced with the one opened.
    • Save: Save a Roundover Definition file to disk.

Clicking on any Roundover Definition in the list will load its parameters and present them on the right:

  • Roundover Definition: Name of the Definition. Definitions, like materials, can be renamed at any time without severing the link to the objects to which they are applied.
  • Type (Bevel / Roundover): Chamfered or rounded edges. The number of render-time facetting of rounded edges is controlled by the slider.
  • Distance: Size of Bevel/Roundover
  • Only Apply to Objects Near Camera: Only objects with with points closer than the Distance parameter will be rounded. Applies only to the view active at the time of export.


Apply Roundover Definition to Objects

To apply a Roundover Definition to an object, select the object, Click on the Pick Tool Attributes tab, and select Maxwell Attributes... from the pulldown menu. In the resulting Maxwell Attributes dialog, Definitions may be added or removed from the object. More than one definition may be applied to the same object.


Rounded objects are generated when the scene is exported from formZ. If an object does not appear to be rounded in your rendering, check the Log for relevant errors. (The roundover distance specified for the object may be too large for the geometry.)


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