Learning and Resources FAQ

Learning and Resources FAQ

 1. Is there a printed/PDF manual available?

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No. All directions, guidance and tips & tricks are here in the Support Center.  You can export each section to PDF by clicking on Tools at the top right of each the page.

2. Are there any tutorials available for Maxwell Render?

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Yes, we offer a wide range of tutorials (video and text) for beginners and experts, covering a wide range of topics related to Maxwell Render and the plug-ins.  These can be found in this documentation as well as on the Maxwell Render Blog.

3. Do you offer any training courses or online training?

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Next Limit Technologies does not offer online training courses. Some independent schools and trainers do however.  Please visit the Training Centers section on our website to see what online training courses are available at the moment.

4.I am looking for a Maxwell Render expert to help me with my project. Can you recommend anyone?

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We recommend experts in the Maxwell Xperts section. The people in this area are expert users who have been working with Maxwell Render for a long time, and they are based all over the world.  Contact them directly to check rates and availability.

5. Where can I find Maxwell materials?

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Over 3.600 free Maxwell materials are available from our community-based online material library at http://resources.maxwellrender.com.  You need to register to be able to download materials.  These textures have been contributed by Maxwell Render users and are ready to be used directly in your scenes.

6. I don't remember my username/password for the MXM gallery?

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The MXM gallery website has an option to request your password if you have forgotten it.  Please try this first. If you do not receive your password, then please contact our support team, letting them know your username and registered email address.

7. How can I post in the Maxwell forum?

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The Maxwell Render forum at www.maxwellrender.com/forum is open to everyone, but only registered license holders can make posts and read all the sections.  So even if you have registered with the forum you have to be added to the forum user group for registered users. You can do this by loggin in to the Customer Portal and from the list of links on the left hand side, click the "Register for forum posting" link (under the Resources section) and follow the instructions on that page.

8. Is there a Maxwell SDK available and how can I access it?

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The Maxwell Render SDK is included with the software.



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