3dsmax - Object Render Flags
3dsmax - Object Render Flags
The plug-in adds a Maxwell tab in the Object properties window of all the supported nodes. The tab usually looks like this:
The meaning of the flags is:
- Hidden To Global Illumination: the object will not cast shadows or bleed colors onto other objects.
- Unaffected by Clip Planes: when Z clipping is used, this object will not be cut by the planes and will still render whole.
- Backface Culling: the object's back faces will be culled when rendering.
- Backface Material: set a separate material for the object's back faces
- Motion Type: allows you to override the kind of motion blur computed for the object. The possible values are: Use Global, Static, Movement Only, Movement + Deformation. It is not possible to enable motion blur on an object if it is disabled globally, so this setting is ignored when the motion type render option is set to off. Some objects (such as particles and lights) do not support deformation blur; in those cases, the options are Use Global, Off and On, where On corresponds to movement blur.
- Override Global Steps: if checked, overrides the number of samples the plugin exports to Maxwell in order to compute motion blur with the number in the edit box.
- Block Emitters: select emitters whose light won't affect this object.
- Custom Alpha: select the custom alpha channels this object is a part of, to enable/disable channels for this object double click on the channel row.
The hide flags are explained in more detail in this section of the main Maxwell manual.
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